Chrysanthemum Sumi-e - 菊 -

水墨画 菊の描き方


  • 筆先を平らに、少しだけ先を狭めます。
  • 少し濃い薄墨を使います。
  • 花芯に近い花びらは、まだ若く元気が良いので、少し力強く描きます。
  • 筆を紙に下し、半秒程度待ち、そこから筆を払います。半秒待つことで、花びらの先端の色味を表現します。
  • また、平らにした筆先の筆跡が、そのまま花びら先端の丸みを表現します。
  • 少しだけ軸を回転させることで、花びらに曲線を付けます。
  • ただし、筆の動きは直線で、曲げたりはしません。
  • 花芯は、8枚で描きます。軸の回転で、8枚が球体に見えるよう花びらに曲線を付けます。筆を払う方向に注意。全ての花びらが一つの点を目指しているように描きます。
  • 外側の花びらは、花芯より長く。花びらの根元は全て中心に。
  • 菊の花の形は、横長、ダイヤモンド型に収まるように描きます。

  • 一つの葉は、8回で描きます。
  • 全て中心から葉の先端へ筆を動かします。
  • 最初は、葉の最上部の部分、次に中、最後に最下部の部分。


Chrysanthemum, wow we call it 'Kiku'. Too long word to remember in English :)

Anyway, the chrysanthemum recalls me of the funeral. At the funeral, the photo of the dead is displayed surrounded with lots of small yellow chrysanthemum.

The word for 'kiiku', chrysanthemum in Japan, was used for the name(both boys and girls ) until seventy or eighty year's ago(the grand father age). There is a Kitano's film called 'KIKU-jiro no Natsu', the summer of KIKU-jiro. Jiro is often used for the second sun's name.

So, what I want to say here, the chrysanthemum is not pop or cute flower which you might not choose ones for the girlfriend's birthday gift. 


1. Petal :

  • Light ink with small squared the tip  of the hair of the brush(fude-saki). You squeeze fudesaki after dipping the ink.
  • The squared fudesaki depict the round tip of the petal.
  • Draw the center part of the flower. This part of the flower still like a bud, so the drawing stroke must be  short and hard touch. It has little curving and sweeping at the last part of stroke.
  • You take a half breath at the first touch of fudesaki on the paper. That moment gives the round shape of the petal tip and more importantly the blacker color of the tip.
  • Eight strokes for the center part.

2. Surrounding petals :

  • Petals around the center are longer and winding.
  • The shape of fudesaki is the same as well.
  • Every stroke must be toward the center. Think the real petals are connected at the center and each petal grow from the one point.
  • 3. Leaves :
  • Almost the same as asagao leaves drawing.
  • One leaf is depicted by eight strokes. Top left, middle left, the bottom, the middle right, then top right.  Two for each small part of leaves.
  • The bottom part ; You bring the body of the brush (jiku) down toward yourself at the last move of the stroke. At that time,  the body part of fude hair must touch on the paper. You pull fude up, then the round shape will show up. That is the tip of the leaf. Use fude as a stamp.
  • Wash fude.
  • Bend the fude hair on the cloth.
  • Put the very black ink on the ink stone on the behind of the bent fuse hair.
  • Then, draw the thin vein line on the leaf.
  • The line won't show up until the ink becomes dry.
  • Draw lighter black leaves behind very black one.  Remember, draw black one first.


  • Wash fude and bend the fude hair on the cloth.
  • Put the very black ink on the ink stone.
  • Draw stem lines. 

Here's drawing video.

Enjoy :)

Cosmos Sumi-e Drawing - 秋桜 (コスモス) -

Some might think cosmoses are pretty slightly flower because we see them dancing in the Autumn wind.

But if you see carefully, you notice cosmos has thick petal. So, when you draw cosmos, you have to have heavy touch on petal part, and soft and thin touch on the stem.

Tips :

1. Petal

  • Heavy black ink.
  • Fork the tip of the hair so that you can depict the divided top of the cosmos petal. To folk it, squeeze, or press only the tip after putting the ink.You can give two strokes for one petal.
  • Shape the tip square. (Remember, you always must have good shape of the brush hair before starting to draw)
  • Drawing direction : Top to the center. Use only the tip part of the hair. You start to draw at the very light touch and keep lightly while moving.
  • At the end of stroke, you pull the brush up little to express the petal end edge shape, which is the connection part with each petal and stamen(the body of the flower).
  • Eight petals in one set. Top two petals first, then the both side of the top and the bottom. The length of the bottom petals are shorter than the top ones. You can accent the length depend on which side the flower face turns in.
  • The flower face direction is important to give your drawing the sense of the flow.    
  • Don't refill ink during the petal drawing. One supply for one set of the flower. You can get good gradation in the one set of the flower.

2. Stamen

  • Need the very black ink. Bend the brush hair. The same shape as the line drawing.
  • Then, just point on the paper, making circle.

3. Stem and leaves

  • Light black ink. Bending hair shape.
  • Both the stem and leaves of the cosmos are so slim.
  • You don't need to be careful about stem and leaves.

Enjoy :)






1. 花びら

  • 花びらの先っぽが、二つに割れてるので、筆の先を割ったり、2回に分けて描くと雰囲気がでます。
  • 花びらは8枚。上2枚を描き、両脇、下部分という順番で描くと、形を取りやすいです。
  • 風を受けてゆらゆらしている感じ、細い茎の先に花びらがついている雰囲気は、花を色々な方向に向かせるとでます。花の方向は、花びらの長さを変えて描きます。
  • 下の花びらを短く、上を長くすると、咲いた直後、上を向いてる感じ、左側を長く、右側を短く描くと、横を向いた感じ、下を向かせるには、上の花びらを短く、下側を長くします。
  • また、1つの花は、墨を付け足さないで描くと、徐々に色あせていく濃淡がシブいです。濃い花、薄い花を描くと、距離感がでます。自分が一番訴えたい花の向き、位置、形、の花は一番濃く描いてアピールしましょう。

2. めしべ、おしべ

  • 真ん中のめしべ、おしべも、結構大きく。

3. 茎、葉

  • 茎や葉は、薄墨で。筆は線描と同じ形にします。
  • それぞれの花に茎がついていることだけ意識しながら、描きます。実際のコスモスの茎が絡み合っているように、絵でもそれほど律儀に描く必要はありません。

Waterfall - 滝 -

How to draw a waterfall in sumi-e technique

1. Rocks drawing

Outline with the thick line.  First, lighter black (and lots of water in the heir of the brush. ) is used.
Then, the black ink (with not much water) lined along with the lighter lines. This black line depicts the shadow.
So, you have to think of which way the sun light comes from to this water fall scenery.

2. Waterfalling drawing

Flat the hair of the brush. then draw the square stroke.
Remember, you always have to shape the brush good before start drawing. A good shape and carrying the appropriate volume of water deliver the great sumi-e panting.
In this case, waterfall is water so the brush is better to be moisturized more than usual.   
The top of the waterfall must be the square shape because there would be thr river runs over there and the surface is flat.

3. The basin (water pool) of the waterfall

The blank of the water pool shows you there is spray of the water.

Enjoy :)

水墨画 滝の描き方

1. 岩


2. 滝


3. 滝壺



Sumi-e Exhibition in Tokyo




Transcodism - Sumi-e Comtenporary -

Kazu Shimura

See this TRANSCODISM Album at Gallery KITAI

Kazu Shimura Contemporary Sumi-e Exhibition

Kazu Shimura

'Transcodism' come to Tokyo.
Till July 27th Friday at Kamiya-cho Restrants, Escriba.(Five minutes walk from Roppongi)
This restaurant is on the five minutes walk from the Tokyo Tower. You can get great night view from the roof top terrace.
Enjoy your drift in the deep Tokyo night. 

Here's detail info from the gallery blog.

Shimura KAZU is a SUMI-E artist. He creates traditional sumi-e works at his studio in Akasaka (Tokyo) and he also creates digital photo works by technique that takes pictures of original his sumi-e works in resent years.

“SUMI-E is the platform for transcodes of your immanence” His digital photo works are created by this concept. In sumi-e technique, asymmetry composition and the vacant space provokes provoke communication.

Sumi-e colors itself by the memory of viewer. For instance a maple leaf in sumi-e colors either yellow or green depending on what you saw.

“TRANSCODISM” series are created by the action that past memory transcode to future image in brain of audience. And “TRANSCODISM” is the key point of this digital era and it changes the way of communication. “TRANSCODISM” is the art initiative that reflects this social change.

This SUMI-E photo art that descendant from traditional Asian art field are attracted by audienceof art fair in Europe since 2009. And Shimura KAZU pursues his study how does Internet give transformation to media, then  he has 2 books to his credit.


June 30 - July 27, 2012
at Restaurant ESCRIBA (Map) 
2-2-12 Azabudai, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Open hour: Lunch; 11:00 - 15:00, Tea time; 15:00 - 17:00, Dinner; 17:00 - 23:30
Closed: Sunday and National Holidays
"ESCRIBA" is a roof top restaurant where you can get nice view of Tokyo Tower and the best herb cocktails. It serves pastas, pizza or Spanish tapas.

so, join to get tasty art and dishes collaboration and dig into the blue sea night. 
Contact to : Gallery KITAI 

Three hour Sumi-e Basic Course Tokyo

Hi there, for some requests,
I build up a very basic hands-on private sumi-e course.
You don't bring anything.
Just jump in this sumi ink smoky world :)

Price: 10,500 JPY -
All supply included (ink, paper, brushes)
Three hour course
Available from one person
English spoken (I will teach :)

Please feel free to contact Cognoscenti Japan by e-mail ( ) . They will help you set up the time schedule.

Sumi-e Basic Course

Sumi-e is the simple minimalism way to depict the nature around.
With the black lines and the gradation of sumi ink on the white paper, you can relax and refresh with the deep breath.   
This three hour basic sumi-e course allows you to achieve the sumi-e drawing technique and also the way of thinking of Japanese tradition.   

1. Sumi-e Introduction (30 minuts)
Learn how to load the sumi ink into the brash hair appropriately
① Sumi Tsukuri
② Fude Tsukuri

2. Line Drawing Technique (60 minutes)
Learn the basic three kind of line drawing technique which allows you to depict the bamboo.
① Choku-Hitsu
② Soku-Hitsu 
③ Sen-Byo

3. Draw the bamboo (90 minutes)
Learn the traditional composition of sumi-e art with the bamboo drawing
① Leaves
② Trunk
③ Small Branch




・2012年2月25日(土)- 3月10日(土)  休み:日曜、月曜
・12:00 - 19:00 
・JR高崎線「尾久駅」徒歩5分 地図
・東京都北区昭和町1-9-16 tel 03-5692-6552

宴:2012年3月3日(土)17時 入場無料
FOOD : 山脇りこ@リコズキッチン代官山

Kazu Shimura Exhibition

"TRANSCODISM" welcome home to Tokyo !

・Feb 25th(Sat.) - Mar 10th(Sat.) 2012 : close on Sun&Mon 
・Hour : 12:00 - 19:00
Reception Party:Mar 3rd Sat 17:00-
     *Join us to have a party ! No Invitation needed

・Venue:Gallery KITAI  
1-9-16 Showamachi, Kita-ku, Tokyo 114-0011 JAPAN
tel +81-3-5692-6552

明日のメディア Sumi-e Featured on the Cover


I wrote a book about the media and social change in the world, published in October 16, 2011.

The cover is featured with my sumi-e :) see the below. This work is named "Existence and Experience"

If you are interested and Japanese readble, here's a link to amazon. The title is "明日のメディア"

and.. please watch this slide show of 50 photos from the book

Contemporary Sumi-e Exhibition: 'TRANSCODISM' in Tokyo

'Transcodism' in Tokyo

'Transcodism' come to Tokyo.
Till June 30th at Kamiya-cho Restrants, Escriba.(Five minuites walk from Roppongi)
This restaurant is just under the Tokyo Tower. You can get great night view from the roof top terrace.
Enjoy your drift in the deep Tokyo night. 

Here's detail info from the gallery blog.

Shimura KAZU is a SUMI-E artist. He creates traditional sumi-e works at his studio in Akasaka (Tokyo) and he also creates digital photo works by technique that takes pictures of original his sumi-e works in resent years.

“SUMI-E is the platform for transcodes of your immanence” His digital photo works are created by this concept. In sumi-e technique, asymmetry composition and the vacant space provokes provoke communication.

Sumi-e colors itself by the memory of viewer. For instance a maple leaf in sumi-e colors either yellow or green depending on what you saw.

“TRANSCODISM” series are created by the action that past memory transcode to future image in brain of audience. And “TRANSCODISM” is the key point of this digital era and it changes the way of communication. “TRANSCODISM” is the art initiative that reflects this social change.

This SUMI-E photo art that descendant from traditional Asian art field are attracted by audienceof art fair in Europe since 2009. And Shimura KAZU pursues his study how does Internet give transformation to media, then  he has 2 books to his credit.


6th(Mon.),Jun. - 30th(Thu.),Jun.2011
at Restaurant ESCRIBA
2-2-12 Azabudai, Minato-ku, Tokyo tel.03-5545-5450
Open hour: Lunch; 11:00 - 15:00, Tea time; 15:00 - 17:00, Dinner; 17:00 - 23:30
Closed: Sunday and National Holidays
"ESCRIBA" is a roof top restaurant where you can get nice view of Tokyo Tower and the best herb cocktails. It serves pastas, pizza or Spanish tapas.

so, join to get tasty art and dishes collaboration and dig into the blue sea night. 
Contact to : Gallery KITAI

